Bridal Beauty Coutdown to Happiness

Weeks before your wedding, any bride is busy making hard decisions; choosing her wedding gown, who goes who to the party, what flowers to use, bridesmaids, groomsmen, where to go for the honeymoon, and the list goes on. No wonder most brides turns out mess and stressed out days before their wedding. Who has time to think about beauty then? Off course we do!
Getting ready and feeling beautiful and great on your wedding day should be a top priority. Check out these tips and follow them vigorously to make your coutdown to happiness more effortlessly.
1 to 2 months before the big day. 
1. Meet up with your make up artists and have a trial run. Make sure that you have everything at hand; your hair accessories, your veil, and all your fave make ups. You have to purchase anything you might need now, so that you have ample time to practice your big day wedding look.
2. For the perfect smile, start investing on your teeth. Having them bleached by your dentist is a must during this time around. You might have to cut down on coffee and other carbonated drinks that stains the teeth. Invest on good whitening tooth paste too or an over the counter whitening system.
3. Start exfoliating your body and hydrating your skin. Make sure you drink more than 8 to 10 glasses a day for a smooth and radiant skin.
4. Start exercising. All the stress during preparation can tempt you to munch in more than you can control, so better keep your exercise regimen on track. You do not want pins binding your wedding dress just to keep you in it do you?
2 weeks before the big day.
1. Have your eyebrows trimmed by now.
2. You and your groom to be should get your final hair cut. There is no trial and error between this period, so make sure you already have a fixed hairstyle in mind. Otherwise, you will be walking the aisle wishing you never even tried to slash your hair.
3. Hair color can also be a plus factor during the wedding. Better decide now otherwise your hair will not have enough time to settle in with your new hair color.
1 week before the big day.
1. Get a bikini wax. Think of your honeymoon baby. It should be perfect! wink
2. Treat yourself on a relaxing massage. You know you deserve it.
3. Keep your exercise regimen and avoid sweets and unhealthy snacks.
4. To maintain your glow, have your facial done.
5. Have your nails done. If you must, pamper your foot with a nice foot massage. You do not want to walk the aisle with strained and tried feet do you?
To make this even more fun, call your bridesmaids down and other women friends to join you to all these pampering expeditions.
A day before your wedding.
1. Relax. Relax. Relax.
2. Get a nice long rest. Nothing can beat a natural beauty rest.
3. Hydrate yourself. Drink plenty of water.
4. Take a nice, warm, and relaxing bath and do not forget to condition your hair.
5. Prepare your beauty emergency kit.
6. Do not forget to your winning smile! You know your wedding will not be perfect without it!

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