Now Casting!!!! Would You Be Interested In Having A Joint Wedding???

Are you wanting to have an Extravagant Wedding, but your budget alone doesn’t get you there? Are you planning a wedding in 2016?  Would you be interested in doing a joint wedding with your friend, sister, twin, cousin or co-worker?  Will a minimum of an extra 10,000 dollars convinence you to do a joint wedding?  Keep in mind that the 10,000 dollars is the minimum amount that will be contributed by the network to enhance your wedding.  Would you like to have your joint wedding broadcasted on Television???  Have I convinced you yet on considering a joint wedding?
I personally would have jumped at this opportunity if it was available to me 11 years ago when I got married.  However, I do realize that a lot of  brides don’t want to share their special day and I totally understand!!!  A lot of brides have envisioned their wedding day since they were very young and didn’t envision sharing it with another couple.   My best friend and I always dreamed of having a joint wedding since we were 6 years old, so this would have been perfect for us.  I’d like to know how engaged couples feel about having a joint wedding?  So, please feel free to comment below and let me know your thoughts on having a joint wedding???
Here Comes the Brides JPG

The Criteria:  Looking for engaged couples nationwide who’s getting married in 2016.  Couples must be in their mid twenties to early thirties and have a combined minimum budget of at least $20,000 dollars.  FYI–There will be two separate ceremonies, but the reception activities will all be joint.  If this sounds like something you’re interested in or if you know someone who would be interested in doing a joint wedding, please check out the link or email me for more details.  Again, please feel free to share it with anyone you think may be interested in this opportunity….

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