Small Touches to Increase Guest Comfort

A wedding is never complete without the presence of your family and friends. While your guests are happy to celebrate this special day with you, they are also putting a lot of time, money, and effort. It is therefore, just right to thank them for their presence by incorporating a few small touches to make them feel more welcomed and comfortable. Cliche as it may seem, but your guests will surely appreciate your simple gesture, which will convince them more that it is worth celebrating with you.
Here are creative ways to make your guests extra welcomed and comfortable:
1. Welcome Drinks are great refreshing beverages that your guests can enjoy especially during a summer wedding. The hottest trend today is to set up an open drink station where your guests can enjoy refilling their glasses.
2. For a humid wedding season, wedding fans is another thoughtful way to keep your guests feel more comfortable and cool. Likewise, they can serve as your keepsake.
3. Wearing 2 to 3 inches high heels is never easy, which is why, throwing them a pair of flip flops or flats would be much appreciated by your gal friends, especially during dancing time.
4. It is natural that not all your guests know each other, to make your wedding more fun and intimate, ice breaker games can be provided. Also, perfect way to kill time while waiting for other guests to come on the reception.
5. Lastly, there can never be more comfortable and welcoming than offering your guests sumptuous and mouthwatering treats.

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