Things to Consider if you Plan on having a Destination Wedding

Any couple engaged to be married would dream to have a wedding destination. However, pulling off such a big event can be tedious and very challenging. Not just because it can be very costly, but also because a lot of time and effort needs to be put in.
Then again, opting for a wedding destination really pays off. It is an experience you and your guests will treasure for a lifetime. For those who are excited to have one, but do not have any clue how, here are tips to consider for your wedding destination.
1. Make sure you are ready for a wedding destination – Yes, having a wedding destination can be very exciting and fun, but consider the pros and cons. First on your list is the number of people who might not like the idea of you celebrating in some private island or some hill top venue. You might have family members or friends who have medical conditions, such as high blood or Alzheimer that could hinder them from traveling far.
Also, some of your friends might be coming from another state or country and it might be impossible for them fix their schedule for your wedding. So, before jumping in and planning ahead, make sure you get the consensus and the go signal of the people you wish to celebrate with you first.
If there are minor problems, do not feel discouraged, as there will always be fixes and solutions to anyone determined at heart.
2. Plan with the help of your family and closest friends – as the saying goes, “two heads are better than one,” which only means that their is nothing wrong when you ask help from others. When planning your destination wedding, it is advisable if you get help from those who already have experienced pulling off the same event. There are a lot of professional wedding coordinators who can help you do just that.
3. Do your accounting – probably one of the most important thing to consider when organizing a destination wedding is the “how much” question. Remember a wedding destination is very costly. The budget does not only involve the flowers, food, dresses and the suits, and the venue, but would also include the transportation costs and the accommodation of your guests.
Once you and your partner have already figured out how much to spend for the whole wedding, the next step is to make sure you itemize all the expenses and allocate the amount you are willing to spend for it to that would be just right for your budget. For instance, if your budget is $10,000 dollars, you can allot 50% of it for the reception, venue, and accommodation, 10% for the transportation fare, 20% for the decorations, cake, and dresses, and the rest of the 20% is for your buffer fund for other miscellaneous expenses. This way, when you need more for the transportation expenses, you still have enough to cover it up.
4. Remember the golden rule of budgeting- When everything is set with your costing, make sure that you always stick to it. Remember to stay away from the trap of “emotional spending,” where you feel you are deprived or feel that you can afford something when you actually cannot. Stick to the golden rule of spending. “Spend only what you have,” and you will do just fine.
5. The last thing that you should never forget to do when planning your destination wedding is to have fun. There will be a lot of stresses and dilemmas to be encountered, but amidst all that there is also a solution to everything. So, take all your worries, find the right solution to it, and just have fun together.

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