Rehearsal Dinner Etiquette

Rehearsal Wedding dinners is the perfect opportunity for both families of the bride and groom-to-be to get acquainted well with each other. Most of the time, it is held a day prior to the wedding date. It can be as intimate, private, and relaxed as you’d like it to be.
For couples who wish to have a Rehearsal dinner, here are etiquette tips to make your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner a Memorable one:
1.  Formality of the Dinner –  rehearsal wedding dinners can be as formal or as relaxed as it can be depending on the host of course. The identity of the formality can be where you will set up your dinner. If it is somewhere in your local pub or at a pizza parlor, then you can simply set a more relaxed tone for your dinner. For those who want it to be semi-formal a hotel function where you can host the dinner privately can be a great a idea. A cozy restaurant of your choice or even right at your backyard, having steak or grill party.
2. The program – the whole idea of the wedding rehearsal is for both families of the bride and the groom to be properly acquainted, which is why everything should start off with a relax  and radiant mood. The bride and the groom can start introducing each and everyone to one another. The dinner may follow, and to make it even fun and light, both families can prepare a simple program. Once everything has settled down, the “toast” may follow. This can be initiated by the fathers of the bride and the groom or anyone close to the couple. Here both couples can give their thanks to both families and the rest should just follow.
3. Gifts anyone? With today’s modern times, the giving of gifts might not be as necessary and practical. But a simple token of appreciation, might it be big or small is greatly to be considered. The rehearsal dinner is the perfect time for couples to give their token to their parents, and if they have invited their bridesmaid and maid-of-honor and the groomsmen, they can also include them in the gift giving.
The dinner rehearsal is not just a simple run through celebration of the wedding, but is the perfect opportunity for both families of the bride and groom to become acquainted with each other. They will be the pillars and the foundation that will cement the bond of the couple, making it stronger as they take the new journey of their lives together.

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