Hi Everyone! Welcome to Chique Weddings and Events brand new website and blog! I’m so very excited about the launching of my new website and blog! This has been a long time comin’. But it was so worth the wait!!!! Patricia from Fancy Girl Designs nailed it! I believe that everything in life has to do with timing and I’am so thankful to God for this perfect time in my life.
Please check out our new website to learn more about me, CWE and the services we offer. The website and blog has a fabulous new look, I can’t wait to start blogging so that I can share my knowledge with you on a constant basis. Make sure you follow our blog, so you can keep up with the latest wedding trends around the world and see stunning images of real weddings planned by my staff and I. Thanks in advance for following my blog!
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to Patricia of Fancy Girl Designs for the fabulous new logo design, business cards, letterhead, website and blog design. Patricia will also be designing our Facebook Cover Page and Twitter Header, so keep an eye out. All I can say is WOW, she exceeded my expectations and for that I will always be grateful! It was truly a pleasure working Patricia, if you’re in need of a professional Fancy website designer, I encourage you to check out Fancy Girl Designs!!! You can thank me later…


  1. Patricia says:

    Thank you Marshecka! And congratulations on the launch of your new site!

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