When to send Invitations

Invitations is an important part of a wedding. They do not just let your guests see a glimpse of what will happen to your wedding, but will also serve as a keepsake to help them remember your special day for a lifetime.
So, how far advance should wedding invitations be sent out?
Ideally, wedding invitations should be sent out eight weeks before will give your guests ample time to clear their schedules. If your wedding date is during high-travel time, for instance, a holiday or a weekend, sending a save-the-date invite will increase their chances of attending your wedding.
About 3 weeks before your wedding, you can start making a head count. If the count is finalized, you can start making proper settings seating charts.
One important reminder though, only send invites to those people you definitely want to come to your wedding. Once you mail them out, there is no turning back. It would be very embarrassing to retract an invitation.

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