When to Send Invitations

Couples to be wed these days has limited options for their wedding invitations. From traditional silver and gold designs, to fun and creative designs that gives a glimpse of what is to happen on their special day.
The main purpose of wedding invitations is to make sure that guests are well informed of your wedding. They provide pertinent information like who are the principal sponsors, the venue of the wedding, the wedding date, the officiating priests, and the dress code.
However, with the modernity and innovations for wedding invites, comes along the confusion of some Wedding Invitation Etiquette. Truth is, same rules still applies even with today’s modern times.
For one, when should wedding invitations be send out? Traditionally, they should be send out six to eight weeks before the wedding date. This would give all the guests ample time to prepare for the wedding date as well as to clear out all their other schedules.
Save-the-date invites is different from the official and formal wedding invitation. This should be send out six months before the wedding date. Same goes for destination weddings. It is best go give them numerous chances and time to prepare.
Now that is settled, make sure though that your wedding invitations is as quirky and creative as possible so that they do not end up in the memory books or tossed out in the trash bins. Remember, they should remain as a keepsake for your special day, so make sure they are well thought off and that all your efforts will pay off.

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